Schedule/Serving Schedule

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.” 1 Corinthians 12: 4-5

The serving schedules can now be found on our Stewardship Share page!

There are many opportunities to serve at First Lutheran Church, and we encourage active participation each week by our members. Each month, a service group is responsible for serving as greeters, lectors, communion assistants, ushers, coffee servers and more. Each family is assigned to a service group and are notified when their month is approaching.

Serving Opportunities

USHERS: Ushers need to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the service. Ushers help worshippers feel comfortable by greeting members and visitors while they pass out the bulletins. Ushers count those in attendance (and record it on the calendar in the guest book table), collect the offering, and usher for communion. After the service, ushers pick up bulletins and straighten the hymnals. Ushers at the late service are asked to remove the pages in the pew pads, which register members and guests, and place them in the guest book table.

  • On Communion Sundays, ushers direct two lines of communicants down the center aisle (excusing from both sides of the sanctuary) directing them to the center rail—filling outward from the center.
  • On Communion Saturdays, ushers direct communicants into one line, excusing from the right side of the sanctuary first. Ushers direct them to the right side of the rail—filling from the far right all the way across to the choir loft end of the rail.

GREETERS: Greeters are the first friendly “WELCOME” to worshippers when they arrive. Greeters need to arrive 20 minutes prior to the service. Greeters direct people to coat racks, rest rooms, and the nursery, if needed. Greeters also answer any questions worshippers might have. On Saturday evenings, greeters also perform usher duties as listed in the usher description.

LECTORS: Lectors read the first and second lessons as a part of the worship service. A copy of the bulletin insert containing the lessons is mailed to the lector prior to worship. Lectors may read from the insert or from the large print Bible on the lectern. The lector should walk up to the lectern during the hymn immediately prior to the lessons.

COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: Communion assistants help the pastors distribute communion on the 1st and 3rd weekends and occasionally at special services. During the offering/offertory, communion assistants should walk behind the altar to the sacristy, wash their hands, and wait there until the elements are blessed. The pastors will determine when communion assistants and acolytes receive communion (either before or after everyone else has communed). Communion assistants hand out the bread/wafers and say “The Body of Christ given for you” as the wafer is given to the communicant. When all have communed, check with the ushers to see if anyone was unable to come to the communion rail for communion. If so, the bread and wine is taken to the person in the pew for them to commune. When finished, wafer plates are returned to the altar and communion assistants can return to their pew.

COFFEE SERVERS: Coffee is served in the Narthex every Sunday after the 8:30 am worship service. Responsibilities for coffee servers include making coffee and juice; plating donuts; preparing serving table; and cleaning up after the coffee time which runs from 9:30-10:30 am. THANKS TO ALL who participate in this important Sunday morning activity! Click here for more detailed coffee serving instructions.